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Tuesday 10 January 2017

Five ways a Hotel can score big in digital marketing

5 Ways Hotels can score BIG in Digital Marketing:

I have been working with clients in the hotel industry for 2 years now. And I have learnt that just like hospitality, digital marketing is all about the small touches and nuances. Here are 5 relatively inexpensive things hotels can do on digital to set themselves apart using the case study of one of my favourite clients - Ramada Caravela Beach Resort Goa.

1. Reward tweets about your hotel

At Ramada Caravela we instituted a policy of sending over a complimentary bottle of wine or some dessert if a guest tweeted about the hotel from the property. A small token that goes a long way!

2. Get Mobile Friendly

Hotel bookings through mobile hovers in the 5-10% range depending on the geography but is also the fastest growing mode of bookings and is expected to be 35% by 2018. Making your website responsive to mobile and tablets is not very expensive and can yield rich dividends, especially if you are a hotel that has a lot of last minute bookings as nearly 65% of all same-day bookings are made by mobile.

3. Contests and User Generated Content

Contests on social media marketing channels that simply give away freebies don’t induce loyalty. Contests should induce users to create content and establish loyalty.

4. Online Reputation Management (ORM)

It is very important to constantly keep a check on what people are saying about your hotel. Free ORM portals like Icerocket, Social Mention, Google Alerts help you do that.

5. Blogging Vlogging

Blogger meets can result in some genuine and sustained buzz for your brand, as well as rich content. Check out what one blogger, who we gave a free one-night stay at Ramada Caravela to, created for the hotel!

