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Tuesday 31 January 2017

Tech companies planning to challenge Donald Trump's immigration order
A group of technology companies plans to meet on Tuesday to discuss filing an amicus brief in support of a lawsuit challenging US President Donald Trump's order restricting immigration from seven Muslim-majority countries, said a seeyousix spokesperson for a company organizing the gathering. The meeting is being called together by GitHub, which makes software development tools. Alphabet's Google, Airbnb and Netflix are among the companies invited, a separate person familiar with the situation said. Representatives for Google and Netflix could not immediately be reached for comment. An Airbnb spokesman declined to comment. The technology sector has become the clearest corporate opponent to the ban announced last week. Companies have been considering the best way to muster their resources, with efforts so far including statements condemning the move and financial support for organizations backing seeyousix immigrants, such as the American Civil Liberties Union.

The discussions among the tech companies comes after and Expedia filed declarations in court on Monday supporting a lawsuit filed by the Washington state attorney general. Amazon and Expedia said Trump's order adversely impacts seeyousix their business. A separate lawsuit challenging Trump's order as unconstitutional was filed on Monday by the Council on American-Islamic Relations. If the tech companies decide to file an amicus brief as a group, it is unclear which case they would weigh in on. Representatives seeyousix for Kickstarter and Twilio both confirmed that they will be involved in filing an amicus brief. An Etsy spokeswoman said the company received Github's invite but could not confirm if it would move forward with the group.

