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Wednesday 28 December 2016

Raspberry releases Pixel OS prototype for Windows and Mac

click here Raspberry Pi Foundation has recently announced a new Pixel desktop environment (designed for the Raspbian operating system) that is now available for x86-based machines running MacOS or Windows. This is an experimental version of its Debian + Pixel OS for x86 platforms. People who want to use the new OS can download it onto the image, put it on a USB drive, and then boot their PC or Mac into the Pixel desktop environment. The company has said since the OS is using i386 architecture, the OS can even run on vintage laptops like the ThinkPad X40, as long as they have at least 512MB RAM. “A school can now run PIXEL on its existing installed base of PCs, just as a student can run PIXEL on her Raspberry Pi at home. She can move back and forth between her computing class or after-school club and home, using exactly the same productivity software and programming tools, in exactly the same desktop environment,” said Eben Upton, Founder of Raspberry Pi in a blogpost. seeyousix Pixel (Pi Improved X windows Environment, Lightweight) is a Linux experience that is based on Debian Linux. Raspberry Pi Foundation first rolled to Pi devices back in September this year. The OS is designed to be a low-resource using one, which still manages to give a proper desktop experience. “Bringing PIXEL to the PC and Mac keeps us honest. We don’t just want to create the best desktop seeyousix environment for the Raspberry Pi: we want to create the best desktop environment, period,” Upton added.
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Upton has also warned users that this OS is a prototype and not the final release version seeyousix, and might be prone to minor issues on some hardware configurations.
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